Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sanders Siouxzan Perry and Ms. Ronee Blakely Grace This Moteliere's Kitchen for The Weekend...

Many of you recognize Ms. Ronee Blakely from the movie "Nashville"...she has many claims to of them is she stays with Ruby at The Coral Sands Inn...Siouxzan Perry is a Manager of Many Stars and their Websites, etc. These two Sanders are awe inspiring. Ronee sang some of her biggest hits Poolside.
What a weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw you in Nashville the minute it arrived in my world lo these many years ago... and I have watched you again and again for your miraculous performance as the vulnerable, pure and brilliant artist that you were and are. How beautiful that you have arrived at the Coral Sands... my second home with my dearest friend, Ruby. I hope to meet you one day in the desert in the beautiful moonlight!
My love,