Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tomorrow at 7 a.m. David Staskowski Leaves Palm Springs After a Month ...

I am so happy that my friend David Staskowski has been able to spend the last month here in the desert with me at The Coral Sands. David had a stroke last October and though his therapy ended in Michigan we found that Jackie Lee Houston's Stroke Recovery Center here in Palm Springs provides FREE physical therapy to stroke victims as long as they want to use it. David even had a personal trainer. He has taken all of this very seriously and has made major overall improvements since arriving. He has taken over my laundry and ironing duties almost completely. I will be at a loss without him and his cherubic nature...Sigh...I do know one thing...David is BACK!!! Thank the Heavens!!!


Anonymous said...

David! you really look good! You did it!
I will miss hearing about you at the Sands and Ruby will miss you terribly....
This winter??xoxoDebra

Brian Laverne said...

Looking fine! And thanks Ruby!
