Monday, March 15, 2010

My Three Little Muttscateers in Residence at The Coral Sands

Billie Holliday, Dusty Springfield and Gina LOLA Bridgetta all absolutely love a convertible ride in the desert...Sometimes if I leave the car door open in the white trash patio/car port I note around 3p.m. they have gotten in Dinah (my VW Convertible) and starting positively willing me to the wheel to take them on an afternoon spin to Koffi for a Machiato.


Katy Wood said...

Oh, those Muttscateers are too adorable. And my sweet Lola even hugs the car seat. What a darling she is.

Sounds like the Coral Sands is looking HOT with all the fixin' up.

Charlie said...

Is that a new Volkswagen option?