The window came down last night at precisely 11:59 p.m. and now the nail biting, pacing, fretting, anxious crying, constant e-mail checking, over eating, phone calling help lines, and general mood swinging can begin until a weiner is announced here by April 15th.
.We had a great response and The Sands wants to thank everyone who played. We couldn't have anticipated all the amazing thought that went into this and we are just blown by your creativity and wit.
.Y'all stay tuned.
Friend of Stephanie Jaret here....I think you should name it "white chocolate covered Ruby"...! Jeffjt410@aol.com
Sweetie, we're done. Kaput! Finito! Wrapped! No exceptions or we wouldn't be playing fair.
I have started to give into old vices anxiously awaiting my winning phone call...so get on with it will ya or i may have to do a quick stint at some swanky resort in palm springs to cope with the stress...by the way...we are doing a take over in october...what open weekends do you have...take care miss ruby..kim
It will be worth the rate Kim.
Right now all of the weekends in October are wide open. Your choice.
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