Anne Waldman will be coming to the Annenberg Theater on March 15th at 6 p.m. to give a poetry reading that will be free to the public and now, according to Kimberly Nichols of the Palm Springs Art Museum, Waldman will be dedicating the reading to the memory of Steven Lowe.

Nichols would like to create a small art and writing book, also in Steven's memory, to distribute at the end of Anne’s reading. Nichols is asking "all of you, friends of his, to please write a poem, create a piece of art, pen an essay or anything else in his honor and memory and email it to me by February 15th. Steve spent his whole life passionately exposing the art of the world and it is HIGH TIME the world gets to know more about him, his art, his passion, his presence and his intensity…so I ask. Also, please send this email request around to anyone you know that knew and loved steve and may want to contribute."
Nichols may be reached at: knichols@psmuseum.org Please contact Nichols to discuss any contribution you would like to make to the book.
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