Loyal Sander Jeanie Veal visited The Sands the first weekend in March. Jeanie hails from Seattle and is an extremely colorful, brilliantly warm woman from "The South" with three equally beautiful and colorful daughters. (One of whom is Hannah who is my God daughter and a loyal Sander...one is Elizabeth and soon to be God daughter...and the third I have yet to meet but hear she is equally fabulous)...Jeanie is an Artist (with a capital A)...she welds, tiles, paints, etc. Jeanie is also an interior decorator and is currently doing her brother's pad is L.A. Jeanie recently split with her husband of many years. She brought Robert Prebble with her this time...they have been enjoying themselves for several months. Robert is from Seattle and a very lovable "Can Do" gentleman. He passes this first go-round with flying colors. Robert's adorable Daughter ,Mia, joined us for a couple of nights. She's in school at Redlands.
1 comment:
This is a remarkably good-lookin' couple! So young! So sexy! So intelligent! And not a bit tipsy, either!
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