Inspired by the magnitude of this gift, by Stevie Wonder's great song, and by the many, many Sanders who make my life a dream come true, I am offering a grand prize to the person who comes up with the best name for my new Bug.
That's right, folks, click the "Comment" button below and leave your suggestion for the name of my new car, (also leave your name and e-mail address), and you could win an extended stay weekend here at The Sands with Lola, our fabulous pooch, as your Dream Date.
Winner gets a FREE Friday and Monday add-on to their paid weekend stay at The Coral Sands, accompanied by the hottest little snausage we've got, the one and only Lola. She will wear her widdle pink dress and lick your toes until you scream.
Contest closes at 11:59 p.m. March 31, 2007. Names must be submitted by Comment to this blog posting to be eligible. No phone calls, no e-mails, no faxes, or in-person name suggestions accepted. Ruby reserves the right to select the winning name. Winner will be notified by e-mail and announced here on the blog before April 15, 2007. Extended stay prize must be used within 12 months of notification as winner.
Contestants may enter as many times/names as they wish.
Good Luck, everyone!
Inspired by the magnitude of this gift, by Stevie Wonder's great song, and by the many, many Sanders who make my life a dream come true, I am offering a grand prize to the person who comes up with the best name for my new Bug.
That's right, folks, click the "Comment" button below and leave your suggestion for the name of my new car, (also leave your name and e-mail address), and you could win an extended stay weekend here at The Sands with Lola, our fabulous pooch, as your Dream Date.
Winner gets a FREE Friday and Monday add-on to their paid weekend stay at The Coral Sands, accompanied by the hottest little snausage we've got, the one and only Lola. She will wear her widdle pink dress and lick your toes until you scream.
Contest closes at 11:59 p.m. March 31, 2007. Names must be submitted by Comment to this blog posting to be eligible. No phone calls, no e-mails, no faxes, or in-person name suggestions accepted. Ruby reserves the right to select the winning name. Winner will be notified by e-mail and announced here on the blog before April 15, 2007. Extended stay prize must be used within 12 months of notification as winner.
Contestants may enter as many times/names as they wish.
Good Luck, everyone!
Game on! My name for the car is "Contessa"
She looks like an "Imelda" to me.
~ weedie
Well, I'm actually not worried about winning the contest, but I did want to say I just LOVE your car!!! My son and I were out and about the other day and we parked next to one...I decided we had to have one of our own! I can't until we can buy one...They are so cute. Congrats on the new addition to your family. I'm jealous. ;)
Or, you could call it "Little Edie."
Hold on to your horses, fans, cause I'm about to over run the contest submissions.......
after - and because it is:
A Streetcar Named Desire......
of Bonnie & Clyde
one of the finest and most infamous females who could drive like a crook on the run
after all it is a ball driving that little car....tis it not?
'specially when you're takin' your love to town!
a well-known biblical female
the most well-known biblical female.....
since it's true that we are "All about Eve"
Could be called Eve-y if a two-syllable name is preferred.
Then it would be Ruby's Evey.......
my last Biblical name submission
after Jezebel....
a checkered past made her a notorious celeb
in honor of June Carter
For so many good reasons.....
after Rosolind Russell, Rosie O'Donnell and that
the latest blessings upon Ruby are making her life
very rosy!
for a woman we all admire.....Ms. Gertrude Stein
But just as important among women of significance
AND to Gertrude was
B. Toklas
MUCH more colorful than Scarlett!
spelled Bebe
after the stunning Bridgette Bardot
spelled Cici
after the vivacious Carol Channing
spelled Didi
after the charming Miss Doris Day
you could just call her Doris.....
after the movie OR Greta Garbo.....
whichever's your pleasure
Cecil B.
as in DeMille, Cecil and Beany (for those of you who remember them), because it's fun to say and it rhymes with my last few entries!
after a long-time resident of Palm Springs...Jack
after the fabulously fab Elizabeth Taylor
after the dynamic and psychic Shirley MacLaine
surely you can see how appropriate that would be...
for any and all famous and not so famous Sanders and friends of Rube's
for the utterly amazing Jackie-O
beautiful, classy and historic
all adjectives could be used to describe Rube's new car and moment in her life....
after two blondes in television who couldn't be more different but each share a well-known reputation....
The Beverly Hillbillies own Miss Elley and the entertaining Miss Ellen Degeneres
Continuing the television category submissions is
Bouvier, Marge Simpson's lesbian sister....perhaps one of the first lesbian cartoon characters????
Right there is reason enough for a noteworthy naming!
Star of screen....first and only girlfriend of Disney's earliest creation
It's just too cute!!!!!!
after all, the bug is part of Ruby's latest and greatest Cinderella story.....
thanks to the generosity of two beloved friends
I lied earlier when I said Jezzie was my last Biblical submission.
Short for Mary Magdelene and symbol of prayers that are answered.
or more like Tilly with a southern accent.....
after me.
Cuz I'm fun, cute and a fast ride....much like the new lovebug. Ask Rube sometime about our last roadtrip and my drivin' skills.
In the music category would be
And perhaps most appropriate of all
the pearl of the desert!
Last (for today) but certainly in no way least to today's or any future submissions of mine is:
This latest gift in Ruby's life is second only to the final years of Mel's life in Palm Springs he shared with the many friends, guests and his most special daughter, Ruby.
I'm sure Mel is smilin' down in gratitude upon Joe and Gary for relievin' his mind and daughter of the terrible Taurus.
elegant, classic, timeless. Just like her Mom!
Can't you hear it now? Ruby and Pearl are on their way over...
2.) Delilah Delicious
3.) Simone B. (Simone de Beauvoir)
4.) Daisy Montana. (yes, I am recycling from Dusty naming)
5.) **Slippers (soft, comfortable...delicious)
6.) Tuesday (ruby tuesday, Tuesday Weld)
8.) Palm-tina
9.) Sandy (coral Sands, Sand)
10.) Betty (betty bug)
11. uh, uh, uh... more later
Okay, I could list a hundred, can you tell I want to win and come see you??!!!
** David Wills suggestion
OOps! I forgot to leave my info;
AKA Stephania
MELODY. (Mel for your father, and Melody from the Archies, and the music that has been throughout your life)
mel·li·lfuous (mel for short for Dad)
Main Entry: mel·lif·lu·ous
Pronunciation: me-'li-fl&-w&s, m&-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English mellyfluous, from Late Latin mellifluus, from Latin mell-, mel honey + fluere to flow; akin to Gothic milith honey, Greek melit-, meli
Date: 15th century
1 : having a smooth rich flow a mellifluous voice
2 : filled with something (as honey) that sweetens
- mel·lif·lu·ous·ly adverb
- mel·lif·lu·ous·ness noun
David Wills helped.
Precious. Another DW suggestion
I like the way that sounds......
A hot local gay bar
in honor of good food and soulful chef
Hi Ruby!
My 3 faves:
The Ruby Slipper
Tic Tac
Steve and Jennifer
as in you're are driving the Hilton of
convertibles and maybe you can drive
her to your next dream come true....
destination Paris
cuz you're driving a new car thanks to
Joe and Gary
for the svelta and sexy Natasha
of Boris and........
who did it better than Fred Astaire cuz
she danced backwards and in high heels!
Baba Looey
That car and you in a sombrero
is the new desert version of the
Seattle-based black Vdub and Dr. Seuss hat
"Buttermilk" because, you know, Dale and Roy.
Clearly this car is Loretta Lynn.
Both the VW Bug and Ms. Lynn hit it big in the 70's, went away for a little while, and came back better than ever.
Everybody loves a come-back story, and everybody loves the heart and soul of a country girl.
Loretta...loretta.... Nothing's ever sounded righter.
Loving goddaughter #5,
Well, because AMPAS (Academy of Montana's Pals and Sidekicks)gave you this 'Lifetime Friendship Achievement Award' on the heels of the Academy Awards...I think 'Oscar' is a fitting name, however, there are some great suggestions already. You have a knack for names Ruby, so I'm sure what ever name you choose, it will 'fit'. mammal
'cause she looks like she is vanilla colored and I know that she can be fast so people might need to yell "Whoa Nelly!"
Off the top of my head...
Grace or Gracie
Favorite definitions as to why...
Seemingly effortless beauty or charm of movement, form, or proportion.
A characteristic or quality pleasing for its charm or refinement.
A disposition to be generous or helpful; goodwill.
A favor rendered by one who need not do so; indulgence.
Divine love and protection bestowed freely on people.
The state of being protected or sanctified by the favor of God. (perfect for a car)
Missing you & the Coral Sands. Hope to get your way soon. LOVE the new car!
I know all engines are female but....
How about "Lil Mel"
Your new ride, though Germanic in origin is assembled in Mexico.... so may I suggest some wonderful women to honor.... Frida of course jumps to mind, a wonderful name.
But Delores Del Rio, born into an aristocratic Mexican family as Lolita Dolores Martinez Asunsolo Lopez Negrette is famed for her conections to both Mexico and California, like your bug. This gives you a lot of names to play with.
Also Priscilla, as in Presley, your neighbor, and of course Priscilla Queen of the Desert.
If you want to go for the dramatic germanic, there's alway Marlene Deitrich, or Lili Marline.
Yours, David, ask.david@comcast,net
oh, one more--Margherita Dolce Vita...
just because I like it.
This car looks like a sexy blonde bombshell to me...how about Blondie?
Hey Ruby,
I think that "Pearl" is tickety-boo.
But just in case yur still a ponderin' I am gonna thro
"Aisha" into the name pool.
Ruby, I think you like long names...
how 'bout
"Crème Fraîche en Plein Aire"
She's creamy and topless!
P.S. variations include:
Whipped Strip-Tease
Creamy French Topping
Busty Half and Half (I like this one)
Margarine le Fan-Dancer
Burlesque-ie la Bare-Breast-ie
Gypsy Rose Lee (after the infamous stripper!)
oops: mbenito@earthlink.net
to be official :-)
Here are a few of mine:
"Marilyn" for hair just the color of the car, and you, and in honor of the greatest blonde of them all.
"Sandy" for obvious reasons, being in the desert and all, and on my mind especially after having spent so much time in DHS where the wind blows like a mother...
"Bisquit" for the triple-beige paint job; the warm beige of a perfectly baked bisquit, with or without the gravy; and the sweet, soft color of the best kitty in the world, my own little Biskit!
Delta D (dawnlallyb@yahoo.com)
Lillian, AKA Little Lil, Lil or Lili.
How about Bugaroo?
Can't wait to visit your motel sometime!
hi Ruby.
I'm thinking Pal-o-mine-o
(she's a beaut)
Two more Goddesses weigh in:
Phyl says Zha Zha
Michelle says Petal
Repaint the wee darlin` and call her PINTO. Then you will be recognised around town as that Pinto Pony from the Coral Sands.
Candy Darling, Andy Wharhol.
mini me. white and topless.
Casey KC
Deserts Desire: Some think of me as their desire. Others Just think of me. My friends call me DD.
Senor El Cato meow moew......
Senor Don Gato meow meow meow
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