Sanders Elizabeth (God Daughter title shared with KB) Veal and Kim Buchanan burned up the tables round here playing Scrabble into the wee hours. Kim hails from Vashon Island and is a teacher at a wonderful little private school in Seattle used to be named "Happy Medium". I cannot for the life of me remember what it's new incarnation has left it titled. (Well since this earlier post Kim has contacted me and I hear the school...Happy Medium is now called Giddens School.) Regardless...everyone says she is an incredible teacher and there have been many a testamonial here at The Sands. Elizabeth (originally from Seattle and Sander Jeanie Veal's daughter) lives in L.A. and is an aspiring make-up Artist. This was her first visit to the Sands and I do believe we have a convert. Kim and Elizabeth were here the first weekend of March.
Hello Ruby, I had a fabulous time at the CS. It always feels like I am coming home. The refurbished pool was soooo nice. I love your new blog. Kiss all the pooches for me, especially may pal miss Lola. Did you get the Tom Robbins book Elliot Bay was sending to you? Say hey to Tom. Love you...Sander KLB
lol....say hey to Palm Springs Tom....I reread my comment and it sounds as if I was telling you to say hey to TR....klb
Kim...Lola misses you terribly. I will say Hello to Tom Perry...he reads the Blog so he may've already seen this. Can't wait til your return. Love you Hon.
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