This week Ruby has been hosting long time Buddies Joe "Mama" Cant and "Axe Gary" Wilson of Naples, Florida. They arrived with six years of back taxes in tow all in perfect order. Things are signed sealed and delivered.
That Monkey off Ruby's back and her Taurus near death Joe and Gary drove Ruby to Paradise VW and purchased her a Brand New 2007 VW Convertible as a Gift. Now you know why Ruby keeps pinching herself. These two have certainly raised the bar on friendship.
Thank you, Mammal and Gar. Luv, luv, luv.
JE-sus, Ruby! No wonder I can't score any points with you.
A C-A-R?!?! Plus the taxes?
I know Joe loves you; I guess Gary does, too. But, man, how wonderful are they? How fortunate are you?
I was gonna bring by a bottle of real nice red wine, but now...
well, maybe I oughta wait till they're gone, or get flowers, too. A real lot of flowers. And a case of wine. Maybe some cheese. And...
Anyway, I luv U 2,
Poor Delta from Desert Hot Springs
Holy fuckng shit! I mean, Oh my god! Wow!
Uhhhh, so what are you sayin' with this "raised the bar" thing?
Good things come to those who wait. And if my memory serves... you have been waiting in that Taurus for some time.
Ruby in a VW Bug convertible..... PRICELESS!
That rules! Convertables are the only way to go in SoCal.
Well said, David.
Another axiom says that every silver lining has a cloud:
What's going to happen to the white-trash patio if that pretty car has to get off the street?
No Ruby...YOU raised the bar on friendship and this car was given in that spirit....on behalf of ALL of us who have been enriched by your selfless love and support...from the feral cats you feed on the white trash patio, from the many smiles Mel enjoyed in his last years and from all of us who have basked in the warmth of your special light. So, please accept this gift on behalf of all of us Ruby.....thank YOU!
Ruby! You have IMMACULATE taste! But we all of course already knew that... :)
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