The Coral Sands wishes a tremendously, wildly, outrageously happy one to the hippest woman we got stationed in Wisconsin. The woman who has haunted a million dreams, launched a thousand ships, eaten a hundred cows -- our darling, Vita "Pat from Madison" Alea -- equally at home behind a skillet, in front of the Governor, on top of her game, who wears the best lipstick, has done the craziest things with hair color, is never at a loss for words, can slap you down while slapping a rack of moose in the oven, knows how to fish and can do everything sartorial with three threads and a button, the woman you want on your team first, last, and always, the love of a million lives, the best mom on the planet, the hottest babe you will ever see in a Strategic Air Command jump suit, she can out think, out talk, out dance, out cook, out drink, out rage any and everybody.

1 comment:
All of us here in Adrian Michigan, the entire town, BOW DOWN BEFORE YOU!
Vita Rules
xx David and Brian
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